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Can I give my boyfriend a personalized name necklace to wear daily for Valentine's Day?

Asked a year ago

I want to do something different for Valentine's Day this year. My partner goes the extra mile for me, and I want to match his energy. I want to add to his jewelry collection, but I need to figure out what to get him. My mother suggested I try a personalized name necklace. However, can it be worn regularly after Valentine's Day?

Valentines' day gifts
Gift for men
Name necklace
White gold
Natasha Johnson

Natasha Johnson

Tuesday, December 06, 2022

A good way to start figuring out what he likes or what he is into, is to check what kind of jewelry he currently owns. From there you can pick up what sort of pieces he likes, or ask his closest friends if they have some suggestions. You might find out something new and intriguing about him, which is always fun! A name necklace is a great idea. There are many options out there for men, from chunky dog tag, shield or bar pendants with leather cords, to personalized name necklaces in bold capital-letter fonts, accompanied with thick chains. These can definitely be worn after Valentine's Day, with most of his outfits, and for any occasion - except maybe the gym!

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