10 Reasons Why Mum is The Best

10 Reasons Why Mum is The Best

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and it is time for us to start celebrating our mums. They are really quite awesome, aren’t they? They clean up after us when we are sick while never having a “sick day” of their own, they always laugh at our jokes, no matter how bad they are (and sometimes they are really bad), and when we are younger, they sing an amazing rendition of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” while simultaneously reminding us that there is no monster living in our closet or under our bed.
  1. Mums are glamorous

    All girls remember trying on our mums heels when we were younger, aspiring to have their closet. As we get older, our mums are always trying to buy us what is in style…and even if we don’t like it, it is still the thought that counts (and hopefully she held on to that receipt)! Mums always try to look their best as well so they do not purposefully embarrass us when we go out. Why not make her wardrobe extra special by adding a few pieces of beautiful personalised mother’s jewellery to her wardrobe!

  2. Every mum is a superwoman!

    While planning your wedding/birthday/anniversary, she is also doing the laundry, talking on the phone, cleaning the house, playing online, watching her favourite television show, and preparing the weekly grocery list. Whatever you need done, she will do it!

  3. No one makes better chocolate chip cookies than a mum

    That extra special ingredient (a little love) makes them all the tastier! And if you are lucky enough to be there, she will also let you lick the bowl.

  4. When you are hurt, your mum is there for you

    Moms will always be there to patch a cut you may have, whether you are five, twelve, in your 20s or 30s.

  5. Mums always feed us, no matter our age

    When you come home visiting, mum will always have your favourite food ready to eat!

  6. Mums give you free storage space.

    Mums will always let you store your spare “junk” in her home. Those articles of clothing, pieces of jewellery, and various knick knacks you don’t want to take with you but don’t want to give up, she will happily store it in her house (though she may ask you from time to time when you are planning to get your stuff).

  7. Mums are always there to listen

    No one has a better ear to listen to your complaining than your mother. Whether it is about a bad birthday present your boyfriend gave you, horrible grades on an exam, or the fact that you didn’t get a raise a work, she will always listen and give you the advice you need on what to do next.

  8. She makes laundry smell amazing!

    If you just moved out and can'y handle doing your own laundry, you can always take it home to mum. She may complain about doing it, but really she’s happy for the excuse to see you.

  9. To a mum, you are always beautiful

    But she will always be honest if something you are wearing isn't flattering or a new hair colour just isn't you.

  10. Her love is unconditional

    There's no better reason than that!